quinta-feira, 26 de maio de 2011

Dia 28

Somedays we just have so many things to do that it's damn hard to organize ourselves into deadlines and schedules. Somedays we just stop that storm of chores and goals to think that we deserve more love and affection, to wonder if our lives could be totally and completely different in five minutes from now, if we could start over after one single phone call, a kiss or a long embrace. Sometimes we stop in the middle of the day, of nowhere and start doing something else - crying, screaming or laughing - for a change. Sometimes our wish to change is so strong that when we open our eyes... there we are, on a tiny boat offshore. It's scary, it's strange, but never frustrating. It's a chance to change and be whoever we feel like. Whenever I 'm offered a turning point, I don't know what to do. I just know one thing: I WANNA GET TEN OUT OF TEN and today I know that I will... Dare to be more than ordinary, folks! Listen to your restless souls... and to this amazing ode to life sung by the hottest Scot (I just wish guys in general were as self-confident as the one who wrote this song...) -

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